Windows 10 Build 1909 Features that you should know.
Windows 10 Latest Features:
There are many features that you can get in your updated windows 10 build 1909. We are going to discuss some of the features that can ease your work and some of the features which we really like. So let’s get start it.
1. Brightness: You can increase or decrease your brightness from your notification area just by scrolling. Previously you have to click the brightness icon to increase the brightness. When you reach the maximum limit that is 100% when you click that same icon your brightness was became 0%. But now you can adjust your brightness just by scrolling.

2. Search Windows: They change their search icon which we don’t like. But what we like about the new search window is it searches from local host and also from the web in the same window without opening the browser if you are connected to internet which is pretty good. Not only it searches for you and give the result but also it shows the type of the file i.e. either it is an application, folder, music or videos.

3. Start Menu: What we like about the updated start menu is when you move your mouse over the icons, the navigation will show you the text and when you click on the power button, it shows the respective icons for sleep, shout down and restart. You can also click on the top heading, it will display alphabets and some special characters fro where you can go directly to that file name without scrolling the application list which is pretty good.

4. Mobile hotspot: You can share your internet connection to other devices which is pretty good feature.

5. Add Mobile Phone: The next thing you can do with the updated windows is you can connect your mobile devices. In order to connect you mobile phone go to start menu>Setting>Phone>Add phone>select your phone type( i.e. Android or iOS). You have to download one application in your phone: Phone Companion apps. After downloading it in your mobile device, go back to your PC click that check box which say yes i finished installing your phone companion. Then click on Open QR code. Now from your mobile devices open that companion apps and scan this QR code on your PC. After doing this you may provide some of the permission on your phone; your apps will ask you to give permission just simply click allow. After completing this, you can manage your messages, photos and even phone calls from your PC. This feature is awesome because when you are working in your PC and someone call you, you can receive that call from your PC without getting up from the PC. The process of doing this is shown in video below, have a look at that video.
6. Snipping Tools and Sticky Notes: Snipping Tools is replace by Snip and Sketch apps which is better version of Snipping Tools and faster than snipping Tools and you can do a lot of things with this application.
7. Updated Edge Browser: What is more interesting about this updated windows 10 build 1909 is the updated edge browser. Previously it is much slower when we compare with it’s competitors but this time when microsoft update it, it becomes faster and it’s interface is also user friendly. So that’s all. If you like those features let us know.