Programming & Tech

How to Send Free SMS From Gmail?

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if you are searching for the tutorial that tell you how you can use your gmail account to send SMS, then you are in the right tutorial.

Generally we use our gmail account either in creating account in some other website like, facebook, twitter etc or sending mail to other (that may include file, photos, videos etc).
Also, everyday we are sending SMS to our relatives or friends in order to inform something to them or just regular contact. And for this, we have to pay.

But what if we can use our gmail account to send SMS???. you guyz may not believe this, and can say what, really etc. But  yeah, we can use our gmail account to send SMS. There are many more online tutorial for sending SMS for free but in those method you need to do alot of thing and really tedious. But sending SMS using your Gmail account is preety much simple and fast method. All you need to do is install one extension and have one gmail account that’s it. What can be the advantages of this article??


The major advantage is: We can send SMS to others with free of cost. And the other one is Every time we are in pc so we don’t need to search our mobile to send SMS.

So lets start:



1. Open your chrome browser, go to, and search email to sms extension for chrome, tons of search result may appear in your page, but click on the top most or number one search result. After clicking the top result, it looks like:

Note: before doing this, you need to login to your gmail account.

2. Click on add to chrome and then add extension, this step complete adding the extension to our chrome browser.

3. Now new popup window will appear like the following one:

Click on Create Account and then select your account and then click Allow button.

4. Click on compose, then you may able to see one icon right to the send button, click on that button and type the Phone Number with the country code to which you want to send the SMS and click Add phone Number Button.

5. Type your message in the message section and click Send.

That’s it. with just these step you are able to send SMS to anyone for free. Share this article with your friends so that they are also able to know about this tricks.


If you are still confused, watch the following video:


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