Programming & Tech

How to Define Site and Localhost Testing Server in DreamWeaver CC

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Hello everyone, Today I am going to show you how to define a site and Localhost testing server in Adobe Dreamweaver CC. It is necessary when you create a website using PHP and you want to test your website in your own computer. The PHP site is not executed by PC rather it executed in server so you can test your PHP site in your localhost by installing the server application like WampServer for windows and Mamp server for mac.

Download it from here:

Following are the steps used to define the site and testing server in Dream Weaver CC.

First of all start your WampServer, when you start the WampServer, First, it’s color is red then after sometimes it turns into the green. If it does not change into to green and stay in yellow you need to use another port by right clicking on your yellow signed WampServer icon from the system tray and go to Tools and then select port like 8080, 3306 etc. after doing this your WampServer Color will change into green which means your WampServer is ready. And open the Dream Weaver CC as well.

1. In the menu click in the site and click on new site. After this you will see this window.

2. Then give your site name for example: Example site. And then click on Local Site Folder option and browser it. Go to C:\wamp64\www and then create one folder and name it as Example.

  1. Now select that created folder as below and click save.

4. Click on Servers tabs which is just below the site tabs and click on plus sign.

5. After clicking plus sign you will see this window:

6. Now click on connect using option and select Local/Network. After selecting Local/Network the window will look like this:

7. Now enter the server name for example ExampleSite and Select Server Folder when you click on the browser it will automatically select the folder you were created before. i.e. Example Folder. And then give the Web URL address. It will be http://Localhost/[yourfoldername] in my case it is http://localhost/Example. After doing this click save which will look like this:

8. Then click on Advanced Tab and select Server Mode to PHP MYSQL and click save:

9. After saving you will see the following window:

10. You will see your testing server is selecting on Remote option so select it on testing like this:

11. Now click on Advance Setting>Local Info and select your default Image folder you need to create your default image folder inside the folder which is created inside the C:\wamp64\www\[Yourfoldername]\[ImageFolderName]. In my case C:\wamp64\www\Example\Assests which will look like this: 

  1. Click save. now you can create your PHP page and you can test your PHP File in your localhost.


Enjoy. Stay connected for more information. You can also see the following videos to define and test site in Adobe DreamWeaver CC.


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